Common Cosmetic Dental Issues and Options for Treatment

Dec 28 • 2 minute read

A smile is worth a lifetime of happiness and joy. But when yellowing and misalignment plague teeth, it can cause anxiety when expressing yourself freely.

Cosmetic dental treatments are meant to improve the smile and give you confidence. They redesign the smile to better fit your overall facial features.

Chips, cracks, and other damage to teeth that cause them to look uneven and not uniform draw unwanted attention to the smile as well as cause many functional detriments. 

To improve the smile’s function and appearance, dentists use bonding to reshape broken teeth. The material used to bond teeth is tooth-colored and matches surrounding enamel.

Yellow and discoloration can occur after a lifetime of eating and drinking darkly pigmented foods. Not to mention, smokers have a higher degree of discoloration due to chemicals found in cigarettes. Further, discoloration could also occur because of certain medications, which can darken the inside the tooth. 

To combat these issues, dentist either suggest teeth whitening or veneers. Teeth whitening lifts stains from teeth using dental grade bleaching gel that’s both gentle and powerful. On the other hand, veneers are thin porcelain shells that cement over teeth to change the size, shape, or color of teeth.

Misalignment and gaps in the smile are not the ideal positioning for teeth. Teeth look and function better when straight, making it easier to eat, chew and speak in comfort. Many people also find a straight set of teeth attractive, giving you newfound confidence.

To treat misalignment, orthodontic intervention is necessary to shift teeth into the proper position. Patients have many options for orthodontic therapy, including traditional metal braces, invisible aligners, and braces with ceramic brackets.

Missing teeth are the bane of dental care. Dentists want to preserve natural teeth when possible, because that’s what is best for your smile. However, when teeth fall out, whether due to age or neglect, replacement is imperative to your smile’s beauty, health and function. 

To replace missing teeth, you have many options: bridges, dentures, and implant-supported prosthetics. Traditional options are reliable, cost-effective ways to replace missing teeth. Implant-supported options provide greater support, but require surgical intervention to restore tooth roots.

Did we miss something? Are you wondering how to treat a cosmetic issue with your smile? Call our office and schedule a consultation to explore your options for cosmetic dental care.

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